About Me
- 阿晶 regine
- A Chinese lady born in Malaysia. Working as a J2EE developer now. Currently staying in the Capital City of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.
Blog Archive
Meanwhile, you may refers to my 只是一些东东 for the recent updates.
Finally buck up and get into the mood of work today, started the WAR!
Hm.. You may think that I have been over reacted. But I can tell you, no I am not! If you ever know what happened before.. Anyway, whatever passed is past.
The point is now, right? As long as I did my very best, do whatever have to be done, say whatever have to be said. Don't think they will do anything harm to me right?
Prayed for me to successfully pass this 5 months safe and sound.
Anyway, something happened then.
Went to look for MLD to get some information regarding his module, where the module I'm working on some how inter-related with his. Then, the big-snake overheard our conversation and joined in. Few minutes later, they started to talk Hindi. I was like, OMG do you ever know that I'm not an Indian I couldn't understand Hindi at all? Some more they speak very fast, I can't interrupt at all.
Argh... So I have to make use of my innocent eyes, and look at them blurly, hoping they will pity me and speak English! But, they didn't even look at me, and continue with their own language.
After some times, finally they realize of my existence. Quickly, I requested them to speak English so I can understand what they are discussing. They smiled, and use English, for few minutes... Then, I decided not to bother, just try to catch whatever they are saying.
OK, now they said MLD's module shouldn't handle for this request, where it should be handle by another module, and they call that guy in, the hamsap-eyes. Well, ofcourse, it's Hindi again.
Right about one and a half hour later, where it's about time to off work, they came out something as conclusion, and dismissed the meeting. Big-snake explained to me what happened just now. But, there is something I don't agreed.
My module has a function for user to retrieve information from what captured in MLD's module. MLD's module is the main, while mine is just the summary. So logically, don't you think when we wants to view the detailed information, we should link to MLD's page, rather than I have to come out my own page?
Big-snake said I should have my own page, the most I can extend my object from MLD's object. So whatever changes made in MLD's, will not affect ours. Bull shit! As common sense, as a logic person, don't you think this is just redundant and its just crap? It should be other way round right? Whatever changes made in MLD's, we should changed too, to maintain the consistency. Otherwise, don't you find its awkward this two page showing different details, while the it's actually the same thing?
Do not bother.... Must get big-snake to confirm with the bad-guy tomorrow. Hm! Not going to waste my time on this thing.. shit!
MLD - as pronounced in Chinese, Mou Liu Dou (没料到)
Big-snake - as pronounced in Chinese, Dai Xie (大蛇)
hamsap-eye - this guy always use his hamsup eyes to look at people hamsuply.
bad-guy - not that he is bad, but his name contain the word "jay"
Finally I'm back to work today. Feel so lazy after two days off, like no mood to work at all.
Besides, I only worked for 1 day this week. Why?
Monday and Tuesday, I was in training.
Wednesday and Thursday, I was MC.
Hehe.. So this is really an easy-going week for me!
Anyway, starts from next week I have to really work hard. Must finish tasks assigned asap, can't let them look me down!
MC still today, nothing much to do still, watching movie again, till my eyes so tired and I took a walk to the balcony. Then I caught this..

See, I wasn't lie okay. It's really so hazy and dusty here.
I felt it's really amazing that they are able to live under such condition.
Hm.. Probably they just have no choice, but to accept the fact.
Have to learn to survive anyhow.
People, do cheerish what we are having now.
Was on MC, stayed at home the whole day. Doing nothing but sleep, and watch movies, then cook dinner for my fellow colleagues. Hehe.. Come to think of it, I never really cook for daddy, don't know what's his reaction to be if he know this?

(L) Fried ladies finger and red carrot with soy sauce.
(R) Stew dry mushroom, potatoes, and chicken.
This is the first time I ever cook this dishes. Luckily it's eatable..
Finally, I can't stand the suffering, and went to doctor yesterday. Shivam Hospital, located quite near to my office. It's a very small hospital, so different from M'sia's. The doctors here are very patience, they asked about your illness very patience, analyze it and explain to you.
The procedure s slightly different too. First, you will have to register yourself at the reception counter there, and pay RS200(RM20) for the doctor's consultancy fees. Next, wait for your turn to be called into the doctor's room. After examined, take the card with your illness descriptions and the medicine description to another counter to get your medicine. There, take your medicine and pay for the medicine.
Well, the medicine are rather cheap here. I was assigned 3 day's medincine. One for antibiotic, one for sorethroat, one for flu, and another one for cough. This all cost me only RS110(RM11).
Lastly, bring everything back home with you, including the examination card. So next time, make sure you bring along the examination card with you.

Can't really sleep well recently, ever since I'm here in India. Probably without his hug at night, or the sense of security been lost, or hm.. it's his smell that i lost?
And it's getting worse this two days, when I'm badly cough. Used to wake up in the middle of the night just to cough.
I thought it was due to the coolness of the room, I didn't on the heater. So, I purposely on the heater before I sleep yesterday. But still, I come awake. And, I even dream about mama. May be I miss her too much now.
It's been a very very long time since my last dream about mama. When I saw her yesterday, I was really happy. Mama never forget about me, she came to me. =)
Mama been so spoiled me all the while. When I was at secondary, we are the two who been left home all the time. Untill I came to KL to further my study only we apart.
Mama caught lots of illness during her young age. Diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure.. Almost everything.
Soon later after I grad, mama went to stay with my brother in Singapore. Well, the medical consultation there is much better compared to Malaysia, and they provide better services too. I personally believed it is a good idea for her to stay there, to get better cares.
Unfortunately, she didn't manage to get over it. She gone in April, 2005.
I had never dream about her since she gone, just heard from sister that they dream about her once a while. Then I was thinking, how come mama never come to me? Has she forgotten me? Has she ignored me? I was really upset about it though.
Anyway.. Mama I hope you are well wherever you are. Atleast, you are free of the illness now, don't have to go thru all the suffering stage now. If there is really reincarnation, I hope you already went into it, and starting a new life now. Wherever you are, whatever you are, I do hope you leads a better life.
Yesterday we went to a market here, called Galeria. Need to buy some groceries actually, and need to do some money exchange, also my colleague need to get a local phone card. But when we reached there, the money exchanger been closed, the mobile service provider shop also been closed. Actually many shops been closed, luckily we still able to get some meats, hm, chicken to be precised.
Galeria is a small market here, still, there are many shops here though.

Things are really expensive here, especially those imported. A small size Marmite costs RS115(RM11). And, the other day I went to a small counter that sell cigarrates and snacks near by office. Guess what, a sweet cost RS1(RM0.10). But, the Lay's here are cheap, only RS20(RM2). Well, ofcourse I will buy it! Grab few packs into my basket, haha..

After the groceries, we walk around to spot for our dinner to be. But didn't see any attractive restaurant, so we just simply went into one, that seems like not bad. And, well, we got cheated.
Chefree, well actually from the name we should knew. Food here are those ready-packed, instant food. It's just like those we can find in supermarket that we just put into microwave and 'ding', it's ready to eat. Frankly, for such food, with such price, it's rather expensive.

After settled our dinner, we call the driver to check if he is here, and if he still remember us. =| Then he told us he is doing something elsewhere, will come and pick us after 45 minutes. So, no choice, we just walk around the place, again.
Then, we found this shop, a funny shop. It's sort like a combination of few stalls, one for pop-corn, one for sweet-corn, one for hot-dog, and the other one for the famous Gelato ice-cream.

45 minutes actually a very hard to spend time, seeing the weather and environment here. Plus, there isn't many shop opened that time. We have got nothing to do, end up we just wait for the driver at where he dropped us. It was a cooling night, the good thing is there wasn't wind blowing. Else I think my sickness will became worsen.. =(
Saturday, I had to work, had to attend a training in office, the IBM RSA. Hm.. One word to describe my feeling, BORE...
The class started from 1100, to 1700. It should teach us on the tool of IBM RSA. But they were talking about Eclipse the whole morning. (RSA build on Eclipse) Then, after 2 hours break, they started on the UML methodology.. Only about 2 hours before end of the day, they talk on the tool itself. Well, it is expected that the training on the tool itself was really rush. What do you expect? It should be more than 4 hours course, became just two hours..
And, I found something. They like to talk much, I mean the Indian. It's probably because they think to speak out is the way to express they know something? I really wonder. All I can think about is, do you really know what you are talking about?
p/s: While I'm boring studying in the class, my lovely housemates went for groceries shop!!! =(
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Sunday, there was nothing much on Sunday. Initially we planned to go out with the Thai colleagues for a walk in the mall. But, we were just too tired and lazy to get out. So, end up whole day sitting in the living watch movies, the movie we brought from KL. Non-stop, one episode follow another. Well, to be precise, my butt never leave the sofa, except for ladies, and lunch and dinner. =D
Finally, I managed to setup a wireless lan in our apartment 2 days ago.
The apartment we stayed was newly rent, so many facilities isn't ready yet. Already feedback to office, the wireless internet will be ready in about 2 to 3 weeks. So meanwhile,we have to think of something for this.
Long time ago, when I was in Thailand, my friend configured a wireless network for me. I saw him do it, so hopefully with that memory, I managed to configure a wireless network here too. Bless me..
And after two hours, ta-da... It's done! My laptop will be the host, connected to the Internet, and shared it out to the wireless network, where my colleague can just connect to the wireless network, and access to the internet through the connection.
Hehe.. So, we managed to get online together now~
This is my so-called home in India..

The very simple living room, with the new sofa.
Open the glass door, you will get to the balcony.
But we never open the door, they having some construction site down there, and the dust.. yacks..

The dining area.
A round table with four chair, just nice for us four ladies.

Our dinner of the day. Baked bean with chicken, and stir fried broccolis.

My room, a queen size bed and wardrobe.

Bathroom, hm.. Frankly the bathroom not very clean, just acceptable..
Time been flying very soon.. Today marked the Sixth day in India for me.
It has been a real suffering, however I managed to get over it. Those happy and unhappy, complaints, communication problems and etc.. need to adopt it in the end. Hm.. This is the only way to get rid of it, otherwise how am I going to live my days here?
The only thing is, I am sick, on the third day here. First, my throat wasn't feel well, like people going to get sick, on the determination stage, where it's either you gonna get flu, or sore throat. Then, caught flu the next day when I wake up in the morning. Next, was coughing the day after. =(
It's probably due to the environment problems, and the weather. The dust, the cold, plus the other day was waiting for the driver outside office. Stand there for about 20 minutes, having the cold air.. Gosh.. It's really cold you know, I was shivering then. But I think the most reason is because myself, too weak..
Suffer.. Felt really itchy on my throat, wanted to scratch it so badly. Sigh.. Do I dare to go for doctor? Frankly, if it's not a must, I definitely won't! But I am coughing, can I recovered without any medicine at all? Can anybody teach me how to?
Talking about my first day in India..
Wake up early morning 0530+, becoz of the time gap. Haven't adjust my watch to India's, it still showing M'sia time. My handphone was follow M'sia (uh, I though). Hm.. actually I didn't see carefuly, it was auto-updated to India's time. End up, the phone's alarm rang too early. Haha.. Blur me.. Anyway, can't sleep back so just move my butt from the bed.
Prepared the clothes and get into the bathroom. The shower head in the bathroom spoiled, the water flow isn't good, too small for shower. So I decided to use the other way, take a tong and a small pot, bath like small kid. Hm.. Reminded me of my kid time, where I stud on the floor and my mummy bath me..
Breakfast time.. what did I eat? Not much choice, just simple meal, bread + biscuit + coffee. The bread, taste bad.. Oh I miss the gardenia in M'sia..
0845, the driver came to fetch us to work. The old old jip like van, with the driver's terrific skills.. I'm so lucky that I managed to reach office safely.. =
And I really opened my eyes on my way to office. The dust is flying all the way. The cars also flying on the road. Wonder why they horn nonstop too, has that been a habit for them? Anyway, if you think the road-bully in M'sia are terrible, wait till you see these, they are the best!
I can also see lots of cows, and pigs running around the street, rather I should say, they are just enjoying their walk on the street, slow and steady. I was thinking then, what if our beloved malays cousins are here? Hm..
And, the other thing that I felt sad about, is their poorness. You can see lots of the poor, sleeping on the roadside, witha a tiny little clothes covered their upper part body. It's winter now, I can even feel the freezing when I'm outdoor, a jacket is a must. They.. can just sleep like that? Have they get used to it, or they just got no choice?
Anyway, we reached office at last. Got our seats arranged and busy on setting up the environment and installed some required software. We are only given the normal user account, where we are not suppose to install any software ourself. Everything have to go through a network person. We can't use FireFox here, so bye-bye to my firefox. The Yahoo! Messenger also a disaster, keep on disconnecting. I don't know, probably becoz of the setting. Got frustrated with it, then I'm now using the ym that bundled in Yahoo! Mail.
Then, it's lunch time! Full of expectation, of the food. They usually ordered delivery, so we also order delivery. With some colleagues (those who have been here, ate the food before) we ordered the most delicious among the list, a restaurant called Bangkok 9, it's a thai food restaurant. Thai fried rice with pineapples and cashew nuts, thai fried rice with fish sauce. My other colleagues said they are not bad, but to my personal opinion, it doesn't taste good, too oily, and taste doesn't alike those real thai. Anyway, it's India here, what do you expect?
At night, for dinner, my colleague K cooked us some simple dished. Stir fried vege + sardin that we brought from KL + fried egg. Frankly, it taste much better than the lunch.
After dinner, we chit-chat at the living room there. We talked about the company politics, the lousy apartment, the unexperiences servant.. Soon, it was time to bed, again.
So, there wrapped up my first day in India. =(
Today is my very first day in India. Full of surprises, bad one, not a good one.
Aren't familiar here, can't speak their language, can't recognize the road, everything just so stranger to me. Well, the good thing is I have a group of colleagues with me.
Dear my fellow colleagues, sorry to trouble you guys and girls to take care of me ya~
P/s: If you ever interested with my journey in the Incredible India, stay tuned for more updates. Will write more when things get better here.
Fiinally I have reached New Delhi, India. Time recorded 2100+.
The very first step on the land of India, made me sigh. "Hm.. Is this what it should be?" Many things are just so out of my expectation, though I've heard enough of it, and prepared myself with it. Why? Let's see..
Air polution. When we were in the plane, it's really dificult for us to view the ground, the air was like fille with dust..
Lousy airport with lousy management. I think my hometown's airport is much better than here. We have to queue for more than 1 hour, waiting to check-out. The staff also unfriendly, it's like a big piece of gold will fall out from their mouth!
Driver's skill are extremely horrofied. I really can't think of any word to describe it, horrorble. Every driver are the same, they only cares about their own, reckless and rough, keep horning others to get away. It's like "I am the king of the road, you better get out of my way"
The time we reached the apartment company rented for us already midnight. Was tired and exausted, with my body with dust, and some virus perhaps.
First thing to do, choosed the room, take out the stuff required for shower, rushed into the bathroom.
Phew.. Feel much better after the shower. Adjusted my alarm clock, covered the pillow with my old t-shirt, here we go, time to sleep. It's another hard day tomorrow, gotto work.
P/s: I really feel like crying.. =(
Well, my office is at 18th floor, so we are suppose to walk down to ground floor. 18th floor.. My god, my legs must be cramped when I reached the ground. So, the smart Regine decided to take the lift 5 minutes before the fire drill. Hehe...
Hm.. But on second thought, if there is really something happen, I wouldn't know where to go for evacuation. =|
Pet Nutrition Talk by Jill Cline
Venue : Hilton Hotel, Petaling Jaya
Date : December 3 or December 04, 2007
Time : 7:30pm to 9:30pm
Organizer : Purina PetCare
For details, please check out Pet Talk
Am having toothache this 2 days, the part where the wisdom teeth is, right side.
My my.. Must be the same old thing again.. The wisdom teeth is trying very hard to grow up up in the sky..
It's really pain ok.. Can even feel the swollen of that part... Made me no mood at all..
Sigh.. What should I do? What can I do?

A very cute little girl and a giant man, made a very interesting couple. You will see the greatness of a father in this movie, how he compromised himself for his little daughter.
p/s: the bull dog in the movie is really adorable!
~~ ** ~~
Synopsis (from Cinemaonline.com.my)
“The Game Plan” is the story of superstar quarterback Joe Kingman (Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson), whose Boston-based team is chasing a championship. A ’serial bachelor’, Kingman is living the ultimate fantasy: he’s rich, famous and is the life of the party. But this dream suddenly ends when he meets the seven-year-old daughter (newcomer Madison Pettis) he never knew he had - the product of a last fling before parting years ago with his young wife. Now, during the most important time in his career, he must figure out how to juggle his parties, practices and dates with ballet classes, bedtime stories and dolls that come with his daughter. Equally perplexed is his agent, Stella (Kyra Sedgwick) who is without a parental bone in her body. Joe discovers that there’s more to life than money and fame…
Today is Monday. I am leaving in another 6 days time.
Time really flies. It was like I have so much time before. Now, this Sunday is the date.
I have so many things to buy yet, I have so many things to prepare yet.
Although I am leaving for only 2 months, well, it's said that we may have to go again for second trip. But, hell, we are definitely back after 2 months!
Hey, I started to feel the uncertainty, worries, the sadness.. Gosh, I am definitely going to miss everything here. Well, ok, I started to miss it already.
I miss my lovely baby, hm.. Will she ever miss me at all? Will she forgot me later?
And, I miss daddy.. Will he ever miss me at all too? What will happened to us after two months?
Went to Genting with daddy last weekend, for the Genting International Magic Festival. Daddy got some free tickets for the shows. One for the Tournament Shows, and one for the Championship Shows.
What is MAGIC to you?
Some kind of tricks?
Something that we can't recognize easily?
Something that we can't do it?
Or is it just some kind of show?
The Magic Tournament Show, this to me was rather boring. There are total of 6 contesters, from all over the world. The tricks they presented were more or less the same. What does matter is the way they present it, and the expression on their face.

Well, one thing to mention, this pair of couple, Les Arnold & Dazzle really caught my attention. If you have noticed, the beautiful assistant was a real fun. Her exaggerated dance step, and expression made people laugh and laugh. I just love her!
The Championship Shows, magicians from all over the world were gathered here to present their best tricks. Frankly, this is far more interesting than the tournament shows. Well, they are the champion, aren't they?

So, this is the stage for the show, in Arena of the Stars, Genting.

If you ever noticed from Youtube, there is a very hot picks video, of this couple, David&Dania. They are well-known of their clothes-changing tricks. My goodness, I really don't know how they did this. (Well, of course, if I ever know, I'll become the magician, haha.. ) As you may see, they managed to change the clothes, within 2 seconds time. Super!

And, this couple from Mexico, Ayala&Tanya, who managed to make a race car to be appeared in the middle of the stage, within that 2 seconds as well!

Ed Alonso, from Hollywood. When I look at his performance, I was like looking at Charlie Chaplin. You know, the very funny guy, who used to appear in the black and white show? It's only that Alonso, has got no mostage on his face. Such a funny guy..

Jeff McBride, from Las Vegas. This mister, I don't think he was presenting magic tricks, rather, just some ordinary show. All he did was playing around with the masks. I can even see the way he change the masks.. The last trick he present was to throw the poker cards, far far away to the audience. Hm.. Well, I heard the cards are too light that it's really difficult to throw far.. So ok, this is a trick.

Oh I even saw the very very famous Yellow-Man from DiGi!! Haha.. Probably they came to promote DiGi's service, they are one of the sponsors for the shows. Believed me, they are so cute and adorable, though their tummy is real huge! I wanted to take photos with them, but too bad I can't locate them at the end of the show.. =(
The only thing I find it's funny was the dance. Initially I thought it's just the opening dance. But then they keep coming up performing dance. Whenever a magicians finished his round, they will dance. For god sake, the dance takes about 5 mins, sometimes longer. It could be just irritating ok.
One thing I am not happy with was that I can't take picture during the show. It is said not allow to. But, hey, I was not trying to record it, and I didn't use flash? And the organizer only mentioned we can't do this two? Such a sorry..
p/s: The photos of magicians, all grabbed from Genting's website.
Why are people arguing?
Was it to express our thinking?
Or was it to force others to accept our thinking?
Was it a way to communicate?
Or was it the sign that a relationship have problem?
Was it just for fun?
Or was it a torturing?
Was it improving our relationship?
Or was it hurting our relationship?
And, what do we get from argument?
So the other party will understand us more?
Or the other party will hate us more?
So our life became exciting?
Or even bore?
So our relationship will march a big step?
Or it's the end?
This is the second song I like from Jay's latest album. It's a little bit alike Jay's another song, <千里之外>. Both are wrapped with very thick Old China
Really amazed for 方文山, the one who wrote the lyrics, who could produce such beautiful lyrics. Also amazed for Jay, who wrote such beautiful rhythm. This is much more better than those pop songs we used to listen from the radio nowadays. Well, at least I do think so, it's more to my favorite.
Work hard guys! Looking forward to your new production soon~
~~ ** ~~
宣纸上 走笔至此搁一半
你的美一缕飘散 去到我去不了的地方
天青色等烟雨 而我在等你
炊烟袅袅升起 隔江千万里
就当我 为遇见你伏笔
天青色等烟雨 而我在等你
月色被打捞起 晕开了结局
如传世的青花瓷自顾自美丽 你眼带笑意
极细腻 犹如绣花针落地
帘外芭蕉惹骤雨 门环惹铜绿
在泼墨山水画里 你从墨色深处被隐去
天青色等烟雨 而我在等你
炊烟袅袅升起 隔江千万里
就当我 为遇见你伏笔
天青色等烟雨 而我在等你
月色被打捞起 晕开了结局
如传世的青花瓷自顾自美丽 你眼带笑意
Been bugging daddy for making me pancake. Today, finally, daddy made me pancake for breakfast!
I think daddy wake up really early to prepare this. The moment I wake up, I already smell the nice pancake, which made me totally awake. Daddy even reheat the TomYam soup leftover yesterday, with all the meatballs in it, as my lunch. I really appreciate it. =)

Sweet sweet pancake with honey topping
Daddy been in and out the kitchen, preparing me nice food. Probably he pitty me for have to suffer in The Incredible India for two months (Gosh!). If I ever tell you I'm not touched, and feel nothing about it, well, I am lying.
It's the thought and the action that filled my hearts with warms.
Thanks daddy! I am getting unbearable to leave you now.. =(
Daddy made us Tom Yam Steamboat last Sunday. Hehe.. It tasted fantastic! Much more better than what we had in Sunway last 2 weeks. =D

(L) The stove from kitchen.
(R) The delicious Tom Yam Soup with some mushroom. Bet you can see the chilis huh?

(L) The bowl for the soup, spoon and chopsticks
(R) Chili sauce we bought from a supermarket, taste real bad. =(

Chicken meat balls + crab sticks + some don't-know-what meatballs

(L) Chicken cubes + beef cubes + "fu-juk"
(R) The yummy Tom Yam with all ingredients

A MUST-HAVE for hot and spicy tomyam, the kiddo favourite, well actually my kiddo's favourite, the KIKAPOO!
The Tom Yam soup was fantastic! Sour, hot and spicy, with very thick tomyam taste.
Chicken cubes were so tender, but the beef cubes was bad. Too big, and I think the quality isn't good enough.
Other ingredients like the meatballs and so, are so-so. Oh but the "fu-juk" taste great!
Hehe.. I was really flattered with the steamboat last Sunday!!! =D
Was boring yesterday that I keep changing channel on ASTRO, looking for something interesting. Then I found this, <淘气过生活>, a programme by TaoZi. Didn't manage to watch much, when I found it, it's almost in the end.
The interesting part is she invited friends from different countries, who is currently staying in Taiwan to talk about their experiences on travel. I always wanted to take a walk out from my own country, to the places I have never been to before, to open my sight, to experience something different..
So, a Taiwanese girl said she spend TWD60k to watch the famous North Star. This, you will have to be very stubborn. According to her, most of the public toilet you have to pay money to get in. So, to reduce the amount they spend on toilet, they have to pretend to be a kid, so they can follow those who paid to get in. Once the gate is opened, quickly follow them. If, they got scolded, just pretend to be a Korean, so to not ruin their original country good name.
The other Taiwanese guy said he spend TWD10k to New Zealand, applied for working holiday visa. TWD20k for the air fares, TWD20k for a second hand laptop he bought to used there, and TWD60k cash. He worked there, had fun there, he even bought a second hand four wheel drive there. After 3 months, he managed to go back Taiwan with TWD80k. Working Holiday.. A very good idea, but too bad, there are restriction that you need to be in the age range of 18-31. =(
There is a Korean guy said they used to get themselves a local friend before they goto any country. Then they may be able to stay at their house, to cut off accommodation fees. So what if the friend not willing, and shut the door? Well, just sleep in front of the main entrance till he would!
A French girl said she came across something called 'Sofa Club' from the Internet. You just have to registered yourself as member, and take a photo of your house's sofa and post it there. Search for the country you would like to visit, and pick a sofa! The owner will borrow you the sofa, and some shower utilities. Likewise, whoever likes your sofa, you will have to borrow it out too. I personally find this very interesting, and fun. But, for ladies, this is rather dangerous.
Hm.. How I wish I was young again...
Finally I went for the injection today during lunch. =Þ The Typhoid and Hepatitis A antibody, cost me Rm165 in total. Luckily I can claim it back from my company, otherwise, there goes my hard earned money..
Typhoid, this is a-MUST. India is well-known of its food and environmental hygiene problem.
Hepatitis A, this is a-MUST too. Just in case I take in something I shouldn't be.
Anyway, It's always good to prevent. Although, the typhoid antibody injection is really pain.. =(
My eyes got infected. =(
Was feeling itchy the day before yesterday, like something stuck on the eye ball. Then, been scratching it with my hands, trying to remove the thing, but to it fail.
Yesterday morning when I wake up, my eyes turned red and swollen, and itchy still. Basically, half of my eye managed to open, the other half trying very hard to do the same. The next minute I know, get caught to the clinic.
Doctor said my beautiful eyes got infected, by virus. I was a little surprise and I even asked the doctor how come I don't see any bloodlines on my eye ball? And guess what the doctor answer.. "Its on the way.. " My goodness, the doctor actually have sense of humor huh?
Doctor said I have to stop eating chili, and anything hot and spicy. And, I can never use my hands to touch my eyes. And, always use a new piece of tissue paper to wrap out the extra eye-drops.
The eye-drops made me so awful, it taste really bitter.. Every time I felt it at my throat there, I will actually shiver. Gosh.. Let's pray for my infection get recovered A.S.A.P!!
So, I have about 16 days to be in Malaysia, before I left to the Incredible India.
Hm.. Seems like there are lots of things I have to prepare, but in fact, I haven't do a thing.
It will be winter season during November till December in India. Though there will be no snowing, but the weather could be quite cold, the temperature will be 10-17 celcius day time, and down to 5-10 at night. So, my existing jacket will not be useful there, indoor perhaps. Got to get myself some winter wear then.
The environment, the hygiene isn't good there, so it's better to take some antibody injection. Well, colleagues already took the injections, but I'm still dragging it.. Haha..
The food isn't quite same taste as here, most probably we aren't used with it. So, it's better to bring our own food. Canned food, instant noodles, some dried food, and etc..
The medicine... This is very important. According to the colleagues who been there, this is a must-have item! Mainly because we aren't familiar with the instructions, or the kind of mecidine there. Plus, will definitely need it for diarrhea, and skin's problem. 9 out of 10 of them got the deceases. =(
Hm.. There are something else, but I can't remember.. Haha..
Well, I shall go there to earn some bucks. In fact, I spend lots before departure.. What a joke..
Recently my company implementing some new rules. All messenger, except Skype, are not allowed at work.
Poor Regine.. It is my very very very motivation at work. Whenever I feel sleepy, or bored, I will message my friends, and chat a while, exchanging our precious information, and so to show our concerns. Now? it's all gone.. All to be history.
Well, the good news is the network connection at our India office aren't stable enough, so Yahoo! messenger will be remained, till further notice. Hm.. Just don't know when will it be blocked one day?
No choice, probably the management want us to be hard working and focus on our works. It's just that I'm not used to the days without messenger, like I've will be dropped off in the jungle or what..
Bore, is the only word I can think of...
Went for steamboat with daddy yesterday, he saw a fryer saying there is steamboat promotion at Bandar Sunway. RM17+/pax, eat all you can type, and drinks are included.
But too bad he forgot the name of the shop, so we just take a round see if we can find a banner or something there, since it's promotion.
Then, we found this shop, Zhong Qing Steamboat. RM19.80/pax, drinks are included too.
We ordered 2 types of soup, the Chinese Herbal, and SzeChuan Hot and Spicy. Was thinking to order TomYam, but then we thought the Hot and Spicy are rather special, and not many steamboats restaurant serves this. But it's really a big disappointment..
1. Hot and Spicy soup, I would rather call it OIL soup. I wanted to taste the soup, but what I can get in the spoon are oil.. Nothing, but only the oil. And, it has got no hot, no spicy taste at all.
2. Chinese Herbal soup, this is good, only for the first round. The soup is sweet, and well, at least I can taste the herbal.
3. Free drinks. OK, I have to say, this is rather another big disappointment. They only serve hot Chinese tea, cold Chinese tea, and cold cincau (Hm, I can't really taste the cincau for this).
4. There aren't much choices, not variety. And, all serve in small container. Taste? Just so-so that you can find in the supermarket.
5. The shop is small, packed and full. You have to be very careful when you walk in and out to get your food. You may hit someone by accident then.
6. There are some side dishes other than the steamboats. They do serve rice, curry chicken? (it does look like curry chicken, but the meats are too small pieces that I actually thought it's the chicken lung or something at first glance) and another plate of I don't-know-what (it was empty the first time I saw it, and it's empty every other time I look at it).
I don't know if I'm too outdated? Or is it I'm too traditional? This is the very first time I ever had this kind of steamboat, that they refill water after first round. OMG, WATER??? So, after several times refill, the herbal soup will become like plain water? And, the hot n spicy soup will become plain water + oil? My goodness...
Fine, there will not be second time I will be ever go there again. A big no-no!!

Got nothing much to do during the Deepavali holiday, then I caught this movie on ASTRO. Can't really move my eyes from it actually, a very sad, yet real story. Couldn't believe there are actually happened somewhere at the other side of the earth.
Have you ever think of, why there is war?
Is it Power? Fame? Money? Or what?
A kid of not elder than 12 years old, are forced to pick up the guns to kill, or rather to get killed.
Heard of a sentence before, which says, "To accomplish a mission, there will always be sacrifices". Such sacrifices, is it worth, at all? We are talking about life here. A human life? Is it really doesn't matter at all?
~~ ** ~~
Synopsis (from Innovent Voices Official Website):
More than 300,000 children presently serve in armies in over 40 countries.
Based on the true story of screenwriter Oscar Torres's embattled childhood, Luis Mandoki's Innocent Voices is the poignant tale of Chava (Carlos Padilla), an eleven-year-old boy who suddenly becomes the "man of the house" after his father abandons the family in the middle of a civil war.
In El Salvador in the 1980s, the government's armed forces are already recruiting twelve year olds, rousting them out of their classes at the local middle school. If he is lucky, Chava has just one year of innocence left, one year before he, too, will be conscripted to fight the government's battle against the peasant rebels of the FMLN. Chava's life becomes a game of survival, not only from the bullets of the escalating war, but also from the dispiriting effects of daily violence. As he hustles to find work to help his single mother pay the bills, and experiences the pangs of first love for a beautiful classmate, Chava's tiny home village becomes both playground and battlefield.
Armed only with the love of his mother (Leonor Varela) and a small radio that broadcasts a forbidden anthem of love and peace, and faced with the impossible choice of joining either the army or the rebels, Chava finds the courage to keep his heart open, and his spirit alive, in his race against time.

(sources from http://getfound.com.my/webmaster-gathering-starbucks-kl-sentral/)
Yesterday when we got home, baby was so "high", I mean, she was so excited.
Run here and there happily, excitedly.. She even trying to climb over the sofa. Now that I realize she is so tall, so big girl now.

Half body on the sofa.

Finally, legs down, she made it!
It was holiday yesterday, daddy suggested we go for prawn fishing. Since we have nothing much to do at home, some more our hands feel itchy itchy. So off we go to Klang!
Well, luckily we did go. =Þ Saw a lorry delivering the prawns to the pond. Saw this giant size tiger prawn there. I was like, oh my god, what a huge prawn! I never see this big size of prawn in my life. well, those in TV are excluded. The guy who delivered the prawns told me that this size of prawns costs RM80 per kg.

Yes, this is the giant tiger prawn. It's about 1 feet long! Too bad, we aren't able to fish it. There was total of 5 actually. Hm.. Good bye my giant...

Haha.. Look, it's got 10 inchese long!
Welf, of course it's get into my stomach in the end. My precious.. Wahaha.. Extremely happy I was. =D

This is the dry source prawn daddy cooked for me. See the big big prawn? It's far more bigger than the rest right?
The meat was so fresh, and yummy, so rich and juicy. Taste perfect with the source daddy cooked oh.

The meat, after removed the shell. It's even bigger than my thumb.. Gosh..
My my.. I hope I didn't get my cholesterol level raised.. I surely don't hope that.. =Þ