[ 在印度的第一天之二 ]
Talking about my first day in India..
Wake up early morning 0530+, becoz of the time gap. Haven't adjust my watch to India's, it still showing M'sia time. My handphone was follow M'sia (uh, I though). Hm.. actually I didn't see carefuly, it was auto-updated to India's time. End up, the phone's alarm rang too early. Haha.. Blur me.. Anyway, can't sleep back so just move my butt from the bed.
Prepared the clothes and get into the bathroom. The shower head in the bathroom spoiled, the water flow isn't good, too small for shower. So I decided to use the other way, take a tong and a small pot, bath like small kid. Hm.. Reminded me of my kid time, where I stud on the floor and my mummy bath me..
Breakfast time.. what did I eat? Not much choice, just simple meal, bread + biscuit + coffee. The bread, taste bad.. Oh I miss the gardenia in M'sia..
0845, the driver came to fetch us to work. The old old jip like van, with the driver's terrific skills.. I'm so lucky that I managed to reach office safely.. =
And I really opened my eyes on my way to office. The dust is flying all the way. The cars also flying on the road. Wonder why they horn nonstop too, has that been a habit for them? Anyway, if you think the road-bully in M'sia are terrible, wait till you see these, they are the best!
I can also see lots of cows, and pigs running around the street, rather I should say, they are just enjoying their walk on the street, slow and steady. I was thinking then, what if our beloved malays cousins are here? Hm..
And, the other thing that I felt sad about, is their poorness. You can see lots of the poor, sleeping on the roadside, witha a tiny little clothes covered their upper part body. It's winter now, I can even feel the freezing when I'm outdoor, a jacket is a must. They.. can just sleep like that? Have they get used to it, or they just got no choice?
Anyway, we reached office at last. Got our seats arranged and busy on setting up the environment and installed some required software. We are only given the normal user account, where we are not suppose to install any software ourself. Everything have to go through a network person. We can't use FireFox here, so bye-bye to my firefox. The Yahoo! Messenger also a disaster, keep on disconnecting. I don't know, probably becoz of the setting. Got frustrated with it, then I'm now using the ym that bundled in Yahoo! Mail.
Then, it's lunch time! Full of expectation, of the food. They usually ordered delivery, so we also order delivery. With some colleagues (those who have been here, ate the food before) we ordered the most delicious among the list, a restaurant called Bangkok 9, it's a thai food restaurant. Thai fried rice with pineapples and cashew nuts, thai fried rice with fish sauce. My other colleagues said they are not bad, but to my personal opinion, it doesn't taste good, too oily, and taste doesn't alike those real thai. Anyway, it's India here, what do you expect?
At night, for dinner, my colleague K cooked us some simple dished. Stir fried vege + sardin that we brought from KL + fried egg. Frankly, it taste much better than the lunch.
After dinner, we chit-chat at the living room there. We talked about the company politics, the lousy apartment, the unexperiences servant.. Soon, it was time to bed, again.
So, there wrapped up my first day in India. =(

About Me
- 阿晶 regine
- A Chinese lady born in Malaysia. Working as a J2EE developer now. Currently staying in the Capital City of Malaysia, Kuala Lumpur.
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