Once upon a time, one of my very good friend brought me to this stall, that selling 'papan-mee' (not sure what is this called in English..). That time, she was working in UE3 Mall, Cheras. She told me that there is a food stall in Taman Miharja, that is very well known of its papan-mee. So, she brought me there when I met her. And ever since then, I been thinking about the good taste of it!
Now that I have the chance to go back to the same stall. Well, the stall has been upgraded, can fit more customers now.
I love the soup, so sweet and so rich of minced pork sauce. The refreshing noodle, with minced pork, and mushroom, and some crispy fried anchovies on top.. Just so delicious! Oh, not to left out the bumpy pork meat balls!

dried papan-mee, taste as good as the soup's.
especially the fried anchovies, its crispy level can last longer