Daddy made us Tom Yam Steamboat last Sunday. Hehe.. It tasted fantastic! Much more better than what we had in Sunway last 2 weeks. =D

(L) The stove from kitchen.
(R) The delicious Tom Yam Soup with some mushroom. Bet you can see the chilis huh?

(L) The bowl for the soup, spoon and chopsticks
(R) Chili sauce we bought from a supermarket, taste real bad. =(

Chicken meat balls + crab sticks + some don't-know-what meatballs

(L) Chicken cubes + beef cubes + "fu-juk"
(R) The yummy Tom Yam with all ingredients

A MUST-HAVE for hot and spicy tomyam, the kiddo favourite, well actually my kiddo's favourite, the KIKAPOO!
The Tom Yam soup was fantastic! Sour, hot and spicy, with very thick tomyam taste.
Chicken cubes were so tender, but the beef cubes was bad. Too big, and I think the quality isn't good enough.
Other ingredients like the meatballs and so, are so-so. Oh but the "fu-juk" taste great!
Hehe.. I was really flattered with the steamboat last Sunday!!! =D