After the last Skytrex Adventure, we agreed to take some rest before we come back for a more difficult level challenges, the Extreme Challenge.
Well, it happened to be the same Saturday morning, same Taman Pertanian. But the different is this time, we only have 7 people. Some of us did some research from the Internet, that this, The Extreme Challenge, is really tough and tiring. I remember there was 1 blog mentioned there were 7 of them start the challenge, but in the end, only three of them successfully conquered it. Gosh.. Anyway, it still doesn't reduce our interest to it!
In order to go for the Extreme Challenge, they requested the participants to have atleast experience with The Big Thrill, a more simpler challenge. I think it could probably to give some idea of what type of challenges it gonna be, so the participants will be prepared. Second thing, I do think its good to have some similar experiences before you go for this, it's really tough.
So now, let's have a look at some challenges we managed to take photo of. Hm, due to the difficulties of the challenges, our hands became shaking. Thus, do bare with us for the not-good-quality of the photos.
First of all, to blimb up this staircase. All the challenges happened on the trees, so we have to be up in the sky.
After the staircase, it's my favorite flying-fox! Imagine this, you are going to fly from this end to another end at that tree. The speedy feeling is just fun!
Then, follow by round and round of the challenges to body balancing. You gotto keep yourself calm and maintain the balancing. Do not look down to the ground, or else...
Look at this photo, reminds me of the day when I do this. The instructor run over to the other end very quickly, that makes I think, eh, it's not that hard, I just have to follow him then I will be able to cross the bridge just like that as well. Hm, it's actually not. I almost fall down in the half way crossing the bridge. Luckily the safety lock are done good. Gotto walk over slow and steady dude.
This, look bit like the swing-saw in the air. We have to walk over to the other end with this hanging string. The secret is first, stand steady on string A, then slowly move one of your leg to string B, then while balancing your body on string A, stretch your hand to string B and grab it, then lean forward to string B and slowly let go string A and stand steadily at string B.
This is similar to the previous challenge. Always remember to keep your body balancing, and to maintain the pace and be steady.
We usually see the walk-on-the-air stunt in those circus. This one is very similar to it, only this got 1 safety rope for you to grab while walking over. Its help to keep your body balance. Walk at the side is the easier way.
Walk at the front, they said is difficult, but I think this is easier and faster.
This, is the most easiest throughout the whole challenges. According to my friends, they said this is like 'walking at pasar malam, sap-sap-water'.
This, is the last challenge, also the only one challenge that I failed previously, the Tarzan Jump. Hehe, this time round, I successfully conquered it!
At about 2 hours later, we finally successfully gone through all the 21 challenges. Well, actually, that was not the actual last challenge, the one at below is the one.

Photo from the Internet
According to the instructor, this challenge is rather too difficult that not many challenger able to finish it. There were 3 got stuck in there, and created the jam. So they decided to temporarily close it. Too bad.. Although we might not able to finish this, but since we are already here, sure we want to try it, and hope we can finished it.
Anyway, everybody were so tired, and keep shouting for cold drinks, especially cold coke! So the conclusion is, there are
seven of us in the group, seven of us all successfully take the challenge!